NOUVEAUTÉS – Green Steam Incubator


Over the past one year and a half, the #greenSTEAMincubator project partners have been working on learning modules, handbooks and guidelines for youth trainers on how STEM-oriented knowledge can be utilized along the path of enhancing agriculture, environmental engineering and social innovation. We are now preparing a 40-hour training course for youth workers deriving from other youth organisations of the partner-countries, in order to transmit the “Green STEAM Incubator” methodology. In this newsletter we present the results of our hard work. 


Ce projet a été financé avec le soutien de la Commission Européenne. Ce site internet and tout son contenu ne reflète que les opinions de son auteru, la Commission ne peut en aucun cas être tenue responsable de l’usage de l’information qui est fait.
[numéro de projet: 2019-3-CY02-KA205-001692]