The Green STEAM Incubator Board Game – Green Steam Incubator

The Green STEAM Incubator Board Game

The Green STEAM Incubator Board Game

The Green STEAM Incubator board game aims to recall several soft skills such as management, self-organization, and time management. The game will also help develop observation and reasoning skills in mathematical logic, analytical, and critical skills.

To allow the development of these skills, the game consists of 85 cards of different categories of animals, plants, cereals, fruits, vegetables, and function cards that illustrate the usage of STEM-interrelated concepts with the scope of permaculture and environment education.

The aim is to find cards that match each other, see the beneficial associations in permaculture, and understand the links between different categories of plants/animals/cereals. The principles of permaculture being developed throughout the game participants can acquire a systemic vision of the earth, permaculture, consumption, farming.

The cards of the game can be viewed online or printed and cut out to play. Find instructions on how to print the cards or how to play the game here.

Here are all the necessary documents to be printed for the game:


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
[Project number: 2019-3-CY02-KA205-001692]